The languages category features all of our blog posts relating to languages around the world. We post on topics and news about languages and people.


A Welsh sign translation error was the ultimate faux pas for a council in Swansea. The translation was for a residential area prohibiting heavy vehicles.

irish Shamrock

Wise, Old Irish Sayings

We’ve compiled a list of popular old Irish sayings to help you learn more Irish.

Gandalf - Wizard

A Conlanger is a person who creates languages (Con-Language= constructed language)

Are you familiar with “Game of Thrones” and its languages Dothraki and Valyrian?

It is Papua New Guinea. It’s a country of only 462,840 square kilometers with a population of just over seven million. Despite its small size, it has an incredible linguistic diversity with 820 languages ​​spoken.

STAR Translation Services logo

New languages supported in Transit NXT Service Pack 9 include Tajik, Pashto, Dari, Maori (NZ), Breton, Corsican, American Spanish and International Spanish.