STAR Translation’s ISO Quality Policy

As a company we are committed to delivering the best quality possible for all our customers.

STAR is an ISO Certified provider of translation services. We work hard to constantly listen, learn and improve processes for our customers.

Our current quality certificates are available for inspection here.

Quality Policy, Revision 07

STAR Translation Services delivers premium translation, voiceover and subtitling services for the mission-critical information our customers need to operate their businesses globally and domestically. We protect the integrity of our customers’ valued information and brand in every language.

This is achieved by operating a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015.

Top Management is committed to:

  • Satisfying applicable requirements by ensuring that customer and applicable statuary and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently meet.
  • Continual improvement of the QMS by ensuring the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of the products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed and the focus on ensure customer satisfaction is maintained.

Top management shall:

  • Take accountability for the effectiveness of the QMS.
  • Ensure the quality policy and quality objectives are established for the QMS and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the Company. Quality objectives have been set and are maintained as part of the QMS internal auditing, monitoring, and management review processes, to enhance customer satisfaction
  • Promote the use of a processes approach and risk-based thinking.
  • Ensure that the resources needed for the QMS are available, including training, support, and encouragement.
  • Communicate the importance of effective quality management and of conforming to the QMS requirements
  • Ensuring that the QMS achieves its intended results
  • Engage, direct and support persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the QMS
  • Promote improvement
  • Support other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility
  • Establish partnerships with suppliers and interested parties to provide improved services.

This policy is communicated to all employees and others working for or on our behalf. Employees and others are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of the policy, whilst ensureing that their own work, in so of far as reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves, others or the environment

This policy will be reviewed annually by top mangment and were deemed necessary amended and re-issued.

__Paul Quigley____________                                                                ___Damian Scattergood_______

Paul Quigley                                                                                                     Damian Scattergood

Director                                                                                                             Managing Director