
The English tag features blog posts about the English language, its people, cultures and history and English translation services.

Tag Archive for: English


Everyone has read or heard a story about mistakes in translation. But what is the greatest mistake in translation, and the most lethal too?

A crocodile is the name we use to talk about a family of crocodilians such as the Nile crocodile, Caiman etc.

What is the difference…?

How many words for snow do you know? The Scots’ have nearly 400!. Here’s the background and few to get you started!. How do you say ‘Snow’ in your language?

The Magic E

Learn how to improve your English spelling with this simple rule: the Magic E. It’s that silent E at the end of a word that changes the sound or meaning.

Make or Do, Better English with STAR

How good is your English? Whats the difference between To Do, and To Make. Check this quizz and find out.

Learn English

Difference Between Specially and Especially in English

It’s probably not something you put much thought into, and just went with whatever sounded right to you. But there are subtle differences between both words.