International Radio-telephony spelling alphabet
The international radio-telephony spelling alphabet developed by the ICAO

The International Radio-telephony Spelling Alphabet, listed

Below is a useful list of letter-related words for communicating a complex code, name or string over the phone. The standard is officially used internationally by radio operators and communicators.

  1. Alpha
  2. Bravo
  3. Charlie
  4. Delta
  5. Echo
  6. Foxtrot
  7. Golf
  8. Hotel
  9. India
  10. Juliet
  11. Kilo
  12. Lima
  13. Mike
  14. November
  15. Oscar
  16. Papa
  17. Quebec
  18. Romeo
  19. Sierra
  20. Tango
  21. Uniform
  22. Victor
  23. Whiskey
  24. X-Ray
  25. Yankee
  26. Zulu


  1. Zero
  2. One
  3. Two
  4. Three
  5. Four
  6. Five
  7. Six
  8. Seven
  9. Eight
  10.  Niner