How to improve Google rank by deleting web pages

Old outdated content damages your ranking on Google. Deleting old, bad or unranked pages will improve your website. If you have old content that’s isn’t great – it’s no value to your visitors. Google ranking likes good, useful content and can penalize you for bad content.

The solution – either delete it or update it. Google is looking for EAT – which is the best content for each topic.

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Read the official Google Definition on Googles Search Console:

Bottom line – you need to answer your visitors question in a simple, clear and trustworthy fashion. No sales pitch. Just answer the question please.

In reality this isn’t as easy as it sounds – as you have many visitors coming to your site, looking for answers to many different questions. You need a strategy to answer those questions.

You should be reviewing your old content on a regular basis to ensure it is still current and useful to your site visitors. It can be better to update old content instead of writing brand new content. Updating pages with the latest information on a topic is a good idea. Google recommends you update your pages to keep them relevant.

Old pages have some value as they will have age authority. If you can add more value or page juice to that page it can improve your ranking dramatically. – And its easier than working on new content.

SEO Content Audit

You should perform regular content audits on your website.

  • Is the page content still valid?
  • Can it be improved?
  • Should it be deleted?
  • How can you update it?
  • -What are people searching for now?
  • Could new images improve it?
  • Can you add a ‘How To’ section?
  • Can you add video?
  • What are users looking for on this page?
  • Are you answering all your visitors questions?
  • What pages should you be linking to?
  • Do you have other similar content on your site?
  • What is the Call to Action (CTA) on the page. It is clear to your visitors?
  • Did you answer their question?

Read more on SEO Audits
