Initial Set-up of WordPress plug-in for translation

A guide to using the WordPress plug-in for translation.

Initial Set-up: WordPress Plug-in for translation

After activating the plug-ins, you will need to go through the set-up wizard.

This can be accessed by selecting the item WPML from the main menu.

Follow the process outlined in the screenshots below.

WordPress Plug-in Set-up

WPML Initial Set-up of WordPress plug-in for translation, languages
Screenshot: selecting Languages in WordPress plug-in for translation.

Choose the initial language

Select the language from the drop-down menu and click Next.

WPML Initial Set-up of WordPress plug-in for translation, selecting initial language
Screenshot: selecting the initial language of the plug-in.

Languages Option

Pick the languages your site will be translated into.

WPML Initial Set-up of WordPress plug-in for translation, languages for translation
Screenshot: choose the languages into which your site will be translated.

The Languages Switcher

Choose where the language switcher menu will appear.

You can have the language selection as part of a WordPress menu or as a widget displayed in a specified block on your pages. You can change these settings at any time by selecting the Languages menu in WordPress.

Other options include customizing the behaviour when a translation is not available.

WPML Initial Set-up of WordPress plug-in for translation, customizing the language switcher
Screenshot: customizing how the language switcher is displayed on-site.